"Transformative Tattoo" E-Zine is here!

I am excited to bring you the first issue of “Transformative Tattoo!”

I had been writing my “Transformative Tattoo” articles for Skin Deep Magazine for four years, and it sprung from articles I wrote with Tattoo Artist Magazine. The series centers around the concept of how tattoos we wear transform with us, changing over time, but also changing us in this journey of life. Over years of writing, researching, and interviewing helped “Transformative Tattoo” grow into pieces that were about how tattoos change our lives, and how vital that magic is to living. From these I realized tattooing has saved my life, like it has for many of us. I’m now going back through these articles, putting together some that had similar ideas, doing more research and rewriting them. If you’ve enjoyed my articles, this will be an expansion and further deep dive for them all. We will have new interviews, new stories, and revisit some of the older ones, expanding on them further. We will also have high res photos of amazing tattoos and artwork by tattooers from around the world, along with one of a kind tattoo related content. I’m really excited about this project, and I think you will be too! It is now available at www.seanherman.com or www.serpentsofbienville.com . 

In this first issue, I explore some of the history of tattooing and its cultural impact; leading up to its impact on modern day culture and its impact on myself.  I share the elements of tattooing that helped lead me down the path that I have chosen; but there are many more paths and many more historical narratives to tattooing and its practices.  What share with you is just a small part of a much larger beautiful picture, but these small parts are the ones that directed and fascinated me about this ancient craft.  Through my years of tattooing my fascination has grown, and  I have seen beautiful tattoo shops around the world.  Many of these were covered in tattoo flash, paintings, and hand drawn lettering signs.  One classic sign that always stuck with me was one that was attributed to prophetic tattooist  Stoney St. Clair, 

